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Production begins for a new course on giving effective research talks!

By: Shannon Behrman
Date: July 16, 2019

Giving scientific presentations is something every scientist has to do to advance their career (sometimes with great dread!), yet we receive little formal training on how to do it well. Some tips and strategies would be useful, right?

Well, many of you will be excited to hear that we started production last month on a new course that will teach you how to give effective research talks! In collaboration with the organizers of iBiology’s Young Scientists Series (YSS), we filmed the 2019 YSS workshop in June. This footage, which included one-on-one interviews with the participants, will be part of the case studies for the upcoming course. 

We really enjoyed filming and interviewing the 2019 YSS participants. They are such an amazing group with compelling scientific stories. We can’t wait to get the course out next year!