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Share Your Research: How to Give a Good Talk
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Course Overview

This free course guides you through the steps of creating and delivering a good research talk. You'll develop a detailed plan for your talk while learning techniques and strategies for delivering it in an engaging and effective way.

By the time you're finished you'll have completed a complete outline for your talk.

Course Features

  • Find and refine your speaking style
  • Techniques and strategies for delivering an engaging and effective talk
  • Tips for slide design
  • A talk plan you can implement immediately
  • Handouts, info-graphs & reading materials

Course Details

Enrollment Starts Enrollment is open
Course Starts Anytime, self-paced
Estimated Effort 1.5 to 3 hours/week
Certificate Yes
Badge Yes

About This Course

Giving a research talk (say, at a conference, to your department or in your research group meeting) is a really important part of a scientist’s career. But, putting together and delivering a talk can be a nerve-wracking struggle. Maybe you have little to no experience giving research talks. Or maybe you’ve been doing it for a while, but feel like there is room for improvement. Either way, this course is for you!

Share Your Research is a FREE 5-week course that will guide you through the steps of creating and delivering a good research talk.

By the end of this course, you will have:

  • A detailed outline plan for your research talk.
  • Techniques and strategies for delivering an engaging and effective talk.
  • Approaches for finding and refining your preferred speaking style.
  • Strategies for practicing and receiving feedback on your talk.

A course for anyone who needs to give research talks

We designed this course for anyone who will be giving research-based scientific talks in the future. This list includes (but is not limited) to advanced undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, as well as early-career or well-established researchers who are interested in learning more about giving a good scientific talk. While most of our instructors have a background in the life sciences, the lessons included in the course are broadly applicable to other disciplines.

Includes 4 modules and a plan for your research talk

  • Module 1, FRAMING YOUR TALK: This module introduces you to a framework to help you define the foundations of an effective talk: who is the audience, what are your goals and what is your core message. This module will also offer advice to help you discover your speaking style.
  • Module 2, START BUILDING YOUR TALK: This module presents strategies to help you outline and structure your talk and engage your audience. This module will also get you started with defining the content of the body of your talk.
  • Module 3, ROUNDING OUT YOUR TALK: In this module, you will continue working on the structure and content of your talk, focusing on the introduction and ending. The module also discusses more strategies for audience engagement and talk titles.
  • Module 4, GIVING YOUR TALK: This module provides tips and best practices to deliver an effective talk: from strategies for practicing and receiving feedback, to lessening the nerves and dealing with the Q&A.
  • MY RESEARCH TALK PLAN: As you work through the course, you will be prompted to apply what you’re learning to your own presentation by completing a series of assessments. The responses to these exercises will be captured in a downloadable document called “My Talk Plan”, which is essentially an outline for your research talk. It is organized in a way so that relevant sections may be easily applied to the creation and delivery of future talks.

Built with your schedule in mind

We know you have lots of things to do, so we designed this 5-week course to take 1.5 to 3 hours per week. There are an average of 7 videos per module; each video is 2 to 6 minutes in length.


There are no requirements needed to take this class.

How to do Good Science

“Share Your Research” is the third course in the “How to Do Good Science” series from iBiology Courses. We recommend that you check out the first two courses in this series, “Planning Your Scientific Journey” and “Let’s Experiment”. “Planning Your Scientific Journey” teaches you how to ask scientific questions and build a research plan. “Let’s Experiment: A Guide for Scientists Working at the Bench” teaches you about experimental design in biological research. The previous two courses in this series are self-paced and can be taken any time (before, during, or after the running of this course).


This is an on-demand, self-paced course. This means that, as soon as you enroll, all course content is available to you and may be consumed at your own pace.

Course Speakers (in alphabetical order)

Speakers for Share Your Research
  1. Brittany Anderton
  2. Shannon Behrman
  3. Samuel Díaz-Muñoz
  4. Mónica Feliú-Mójer
  5. Maite Ghazaleh Bucher
  6. Sarah Goodwin
  7. Elliot Kirschner
  8. Elie Maksoud
  9. Kevin McLean
  10. Katie Murphy
  11. Dipti Nayak
  12. Alexandra Schnoes
  13. Sven Truckenbrodt
  14. Danielle Twum
  15. Rosa Veguilla

Course Directors (in alphabetical order)

  • Shannon Behrman
  • Mónica Feliú-Mójer
  • Elie Maksoud
  • Alexandra Schnoes

Course Staff (in alphabetical order)

  • Noah Green
  • Daniel McQuillen

Graphics and Editing (in alphabetical order)

  • Adam Bolt (The Edit Center)
  • Rebecca Ellsworth (The Edit Center)
  • Chris George (OddSense)
  • Maggie Hubbard (OddSense)
  • Alexis Keenan

Video Production (in alphabetical order)

  • Alexis Keenan
  • Eric Kornblum (iBiology)
  • Derek Reich (Zooprax Productions)

Music and sound design

  • Marcus Bagala (Muse Light Music)

Course Advisory Team (in alphabetical order)

  • Sarah Goodwin
  • Elliot Kirshner


We’d like to thank the following iBiology Team members for their support in the creation of this course:

  • Evan Reeves (Operations Manager)
  • Lobsang Wangdu (Wordpress Developer)
  • Karen Dell (Content Editor)
  • Ron Vale (Founder and Board Member)
  • Doug Koshland (President)


This work is supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under award number R25GM116704.

Frequently Asked Questions

What web browser should I use?

The Open edX platform works best with current versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari.

What do I get at the end?

When you complete the course, you will receive a printable certificate from iBiology Courses to commemorate your participation in the course.

Sign Up Sign In
To enroll in this class, you first need to sign up to iBiology Courses as a student (or sign in if you're already a student).